Verbos Útiles
※ 변형은 (단수) 1인칭, 2인칭, 3인칭, (복수) 1인칭, 2인칭, 3인칭 순으로 나타내었다.
※ 대부분 악센트는 2인칭 복수에서만 붙는다.
※ -ar 규칙동사는 -o, -as, -a, -amos - áis - an으로 변형된다.
※ -er 규칙동사는 -o, -es, -e, -emos, -éis, -en으로 변형된다.
※ -ir 규칙동사는 -o, -es, -e, -imos, -ís, -en으로 변형된다.
※ Estar, Dar, Ir, Ver는 변형 규칙에서 악센트가 없다.
※ Reír는 i 자리에만 악센트가 생긴다.
▶ Abrazar: to embrace; "Embrace"(en) has the same root
▶ Abrir: to open; Abro - Abres - Abre - Abrimos - Abrís - Abrin
▶ Acostar: to bed; Remind: "Acostar"(es) in a "Coast"(en)
▶ Adelgazar: to lose weight; "Delgado"(es) has the same root
▶ Aguantar: to endure; Remind: The training the mind in "Agua"(es)
▶ Almorzar: to have lunch; Almuerzo - Almuerzas - Almuerza - Almuerzamos - Almuerzáis - Almuerzan; "Morsel"(en) has the same root
▶ Andar: to walk; Ando - Andas - Anda - Andamos - Andáis - Andan; Andante(안단테)
▶ Aprender a INF: to learn; Aprendo - Aprendes - Aprende - Aprendemos - Aprendéis - Aprenden; "Apprehend" has the same root
▶ Arrepentirse: to repent; "Repent" has the same root
▶ Asistir a: to attend to; Asisto - Asistes - Asiste - Asistimos - Asistís - Asisten
▶ Asustar: to scare; "Does ASUS made by Samsung "Asustar"(es) us?"
▶ Bailar: to dance; Bailo - Bailas - Baila - Bailamos - Bailáis - Bailan; "Ballet" has the same root
▶ Beber: to drink; Bebo - Bebes - Bebe - Bebemos - Bebéis - Beben
▶ Besar: to kiss; Remind: Both "Beber"(es) and "Besar"(es) are related to mouth
▶ Buscar: to search; "Busking"(버스킹)(en) has the same root; 버스킹의 유래는 후원자를 찾는 행위임
▶ Caer: to fall; Remind: "かえる(카에로)" = "저리가!"
▶ Caminar: to walk; Camino - Caminas - Camina - Caminamos - Camináis - Caminan; Camion
▶ Cantar: to sing; Canto - Cantas - Canta - Cantamos - Cantáis - Cantan
▶ Casar: to marry; Caso - Casas - Casa - Casamos - Casáis - Casan; Casad@(s)
▶ Cenar: to have dinner; Ceno - Cenas - Cena - Cenamos - Cenáis - Cenan
▶ Cerrar: to close; Cierro - Cierras - Cierra - Cerramos - Cerráis - Cierran
▶ Charlar: to char; Charlo - Charlas - Charla - Charlamos - Charláis - Charlan
▶ Cocinar: to cook; Cocino - Cocinas - Cocina - Cocinamos - Cocináis - Cocinan
▶ Comer: to eat; Como - Comes - Come - Comemos - Coméis - Comen
▶ Comprar: to buy; Compro - Compras - Compra - Compramos - Compráis - Compran; "구입할 때는 하나하나 비교(compare)해서!"
▶ Conocer: to know (by experience); Conozco - Conoces - Conoce - Conocemos - Conocéis - Conocen; Cognize
▶ Conseguir: to get; Consigo - Consigues - Consigue - Conseguimos - Conseguís - Consiguen; "결과(consequence)적으로 뭔가를 얻는다(get)."
▶ Correr: to run; Correo - Corres - Corre - Corremos - Corréis - Corren; Remind: Correo Electronico
▶ Costar: to cost; Cuesto - Cuestas - Cuesta - Costamos - Costáis - Cuestan
▶ Contar: to count, tell; Cuento - Cuentas - Cuenta - Contamos - Contáis - Cuentan; What does "counter" do?
▶ Crecer: to grow; "Grow"(en) has the same root
▶ Creer: to believe; Creo - Crees - Cree - Creemos - Creéis - Creen; "Creed"(en) has the same root
▶ Criar: to raise; "Create"(en) has the same root
▶ Dar: to give; Doy - Das - Da - Damos - Dais - Dan; Remind: "다 줄게"
▶ Dar a luz: to give birth to
▶ Decidir: to decide; Decido - Decides - Decide - Decidimos - Decidís - Deciden
▶ Decir que: to say that; Digo - Dices - Dice - Decimos - Decís - Dicen; Dictionary
▶ Dejar: to leave; Dejo - Dejas - Deja - Dejamos - Dejáis - Dejan; Remind: De(not) + Jar(하다) → 떠나다
▶ Dejar de: to stop
▶ Desayunar: to have breakfast; Desayuno - Desayunas - Desayuna - Desayunamos - Desayunáis - Desayunan
▶ Descansar: to rest; Descanso - Descansas - Descansa - Descansamos - Descansáis - Descansan; De + Cansad@(s)
▶ Despertar: to awaken; Etymology: "De-"(en) + "Spirit"(en)
▶ Disfrutar: to enjoy; "Fructose"(과당)(en) has the same root
▶ Doblar: to bent; "Double"(en) has the same root
▶ Dormir: to sleep; Duermo - Duermes - Duerme - Dormimos - Dormís - Duermen; "Dormitory"(en) has the same root
▶ Duchar: to shower
▶ Emocionar: to impress; "Emotion"(en) has the same root
▶ Empezar a: to start; Empiezo - Empiezas - Empieza - Empiezamos - Empiezáis - Empiezan; "Embark"(en) has the same root
▶ Empujar: to push; "Push" has the same root
▶ Encantar: to enchant; Encanto - Encantas - Encanta - Encantamos - Encantáis - Encantan
▶ Encontrar: to find; Encuentro - Encuentras - Encuentra - Encontramos - Encontráis - Encuentran; "Encounter"(en) has the same root
▶ Enseñar: to teach; Enseño - Enseñas - Enseña - Enseñamos - Enseñáis - Enseñan
▶ Entender: to understand; "Intend" has the same root
▶ Entregar: to deliver; Entrego - Entregas - Entrega - Entregamos - Entregáis - Entregan; Inter + Gave?
▶ Entrender: to understand; Entrendo - Entrendes - Entrende - Entrendemos - Entrendéis - Entrended
▶ Escribir: to write; Escribo - Escribes - Escribe - Escribimos - Escribís - Escriben; Script
▶ Escuchar: to hear; Escucho - Escuchas - Escucha - Escuchamos - Escucháis - Escuchan; Remind: "Escuchar"(es) looks like "Cochlea"(달팽이관)(en)
▶ Esperar: to wait; Espero - Esperas - Espera - Esperamos - Esperáis - Esperan; Remind: "Spe-"(en) means "Look"
▶ Estar: to be (transient state); Estoy - Estás - Está - Estamos - Estáis - Están
▶ Estudiar: to study; Estudio - Estudias - Estudia - Estudiamos - Estudiás - Estudian
▶ Gritar: to shout; Remind: "Gritar"(es) looks like "Guitar"(en)
▶ Hacer: to do; Hago - Haces - Hace - Hacemos - Hacéis - Hacen
▶ Hablar; to talk; Hablo - Hablas - Habla - Hablamos - Habláis - Hablan
▶ Ignorar; not to know; "Ignorance" has the same root
▶ Ir a (lugar): to go to somewhere; Voy - Vas - Va - Vamos - Vais - Van
▶ Ir a INF: to be going to do
▶ Ir de copa: to go for drinks
▶ Ir de compras: to go for shopping
▶ Jugar a: to play a sport of; Juego - Juegas - Juega - Jugamos - Jugáis - Juegan
▶ Lavar: to wash; Lavo - Lavas - Lava - Lavamos - Laváis - Lavan
▶ Leer: to read; Leo - Lees - Lee - Leemos - Leéis - Leen
▶ Levantar: to lift; "Lever"(en) has the same root
▶ Limpiar: to clean; Limpio - Limpias - Limpia - Limpiamos - Limpiáis - Limpian; "Lymph"(en) which appears in our body has the same root
▶ Llamar: to call; Llamo - Llamas - Llama - Llamamos - Llamáis - Llaman
▶ Llegar: to arrive; Llego - Llegas - Llega - Llegamos - Llegáis - Llegan; "ll" ↔ "rr", "ga" ↔ "go"?
▶ Llevar: to carry; Llevo - Llevas - Lleva - Llevamos - Lleváis - Llevan; "ll" ↔ "rr", "va" ↔ "venir" ↔ "come"?
▶ Llorar: to cry; Lloro - Lloras - Llora - Lloramos - Lloráis - Lloran; "조로가 운다?"
▶ Llover: to rain; Lluevo - Llueves - Llueve - Llovemos - Llovéis - Llueven; "ll" is like the shape of rain
▶ Mandar: to command/send; Mando - Mandas - Manda - Mandamos - Mandáis - Mandan; Mandatory
▶ Manejar: to drive; Manejo - Manejas - Maneja - Manejamos - Manejáis - Manejan; Manage to?
▶ Medir: to measure; Mido - Mides - Mide- Medimos - Medís - Miden
▶ Mentir: to lie; Miento - Mientes - Miente - Mentimos - Mentís - Mienten
▶ Mirar: to look; Miro - Miras - Mira - Miramos - Miráis - Miran
▶ Montar: to ride; Monto - Montas - Monta - Montamos - Montáis - Montan; Remind: "Mount"(장착하다)(en)
▶ Morir: to die; Muero - Mueres - Muere - Morimos - Morís - Mueren; "Mortal"(en) has the same root
▶ Mostrar: to show; Muestro - Muestras - Muestra - Mostramos - Mostráis - Muestran; Monster
▶ Mover: to move; Muevo - Mueves - Mueve - Movemos - Movéis - Mueven
▶ Nacer: to be born; "Nascent"(en) has the same root
▶ Nadar: to swim; Nado - Nadas - Nada - Nadamos - Nadáis - Nadan; 테니스 페더러 vs 나달을 상기
▶ Nevar: to snow; Nievo - Nievas - Nieva - Nevamos - Neváis - Nieven; "Nieve"(es) has the same root
▶ Odiar: to hate; Remind: "Odiar"(es) "Audio"(en)
▶ Oler: to smell; Remind: "Flor"(es)
▶ Olvidar: to forget; "Oblivion"(en) has the same root
▶ Pasar: to pass; Paso - Pasas - Pasa - Pasamos - Pasáis - Pasan
▶ Pasear: to walk; Paseo - Paseas - Pasea - Paseamos - Paseáis - Pasean; "Pass"(en) has the same root
▶ Pedir: to ask, order; Pido - Pides - Pide - Pedimos - Pedís - Piden; Remind: "Petition"(en)
▶ Pedir hora: to reserve
▶ Pensar en: to consider (sth); Pienso - Piensas - Piensa - Pensamos - Pensáis - Piesan; "Pensive"(en) has the same root
▶ Perder: to lose; Pierdo - Pierdes - Pierde - Perdemos - Perdéis - Pierden
▶ Picar: to itch; Remind: "Peak"
▶ Poder: to be able to; Puedo - Puedes - Puede - Podemos - Podéis - Pueden; Power
▶ Preferir: to prefer; Prefiero - Prefieres - Prefiere - Preferimos - Preferís - Prefieren
▶ Preparar: to prepare; Preparo - Preparas - Prepara - Preparamos - Preparáis - Preparan
▶ Prestar: to lend; Presto - Prestas - Presta - Prestamos - Prestáis - Prestan; Present (give)
▶ Prometer: to promise; Prometo - Prometes - Promete - Prometemos - Prometéis - Prometen; Promise ↔ Promote?
▶ Quedar: to stay; Quedo - Quedas - Queda - Quedamos - Quedáis - Quedan; 가만히 있으면 깨달음
▶ Quemar: to burn; Remind: "Quemar" "Queso"(치즈)(en)
▶ Querer: to want; Quiero - Quieres - Quiere - Queremos - Queréis - Quieren; "뭘 원해?"
▶ Quidar: to take care of; "기달려, 얘야!"
▶ Recibir: to receive; Recibo - Recibes - Recibe - Recibimos - Recibís - Reciben
▶ Recordar: to remember; Recuerdo - Recuerdas - Recuerda - Recordamos - Recordáis - Recuerdan; "Record"(en) has the same root
▶ Regalar: to gift; Regalo - Regalas - Regala - Regalamos - Regaláis - Regalan; Regalo
▶ Reír: to laugh; Río - Ríes - Ríe - Reímos - Reís - Ríen
▶ Relajar: to relax; Relajo - Relajas - Relaja - Relajamos - Relajáis - Relajan
▶ Repartir: to distribute; Reparto - Repartes - Reparte - Repartimos - Repartís - Reparten; Re(다시) + Part(분배); "Repartition"(en) has the same root
▶ Repetir: to repeat; Repito - Repites - Repite - Repetimos - Repetís - Repiten
▶ Saber: to know (by estudio); Sé - Sabes - Sabe - Sabemos - Sabéis - Saben; "Sapiens"(la) has the same root
▶ Saber INF: to know how to do
▶ Sacar: to take out; Remind: "Sacar"(es) a "Soccer"(en) ball
▶ Salir: to go out; Remind: "Sail"(en)
▶ Salir a/para: to go to; Salgo - Sales - Sale - Salimos - Salís - Salen
▶ Salir con: to go out with (= to play out with)
▶ Salir de: to get out of
▶ Saltar: to jump; Remind: "Sault"(폭포)(en)
▶ Seguir: to follow; Sigo - Sigues - Sigue - Seguimos - Seguís - Siguen; "Sequence"(en) has the same root
▶ Sentir: to feel; Siento - Sientes - Siente - Sentimos - Sentís - Sienten; "Sense"(en) has the same root
▶ Ser: to be (permanent state); Soy - Eres - Es - Somos - Sois - Son
▶ Servir: to serve; Sirvo - Sirves - Sirve - Servimos - Servís - Sirven
▶ Soborear: to savor; "Savor"(en) has the same root
▶ Soler: to be used to; Suelo - Sueles - Suele - Solemos - Soléis - Suelen; "Solely"(en) has the same root
▶ Soñar: to dream; "Soñador"(쏘냐도르)(es) has the same root
▶ Sorprender: to surprise; "Surprise"(en) has the same root
▶ Sudar: to sweat; "Sweat" has the same root
▶ Tener: to have; Tengo - Tienes - Tiene - Tenemos - Tenéis - Tienen
▶ Tener a: to have to
▶ Terminar: to end up; Termino - Terminas - Termina - Terminamos - Termináis - Terminan; Terminator
▶ Tirar: to throw; "Throw" has the same root
▶ Tocar: to touch/play (instrument); Toco - Tocas - Toca - Tocamos - Tocáis - Tocan
▶ Tomar: to take (class, drink, taxi ...); Tomo - Tomas - Toma - Tomamos - Tomáis - Toman
▶ Trabajar: to work; Trabajo - Trabajas - Trabaja - Trabajamos - Trabajáis - Trabajan
▶ Traer: to bring; Traigo - Traes - Trae - Traemos - Traéis - Traen; Trail로 to bring하는 느낌
▶ Vender: to sell; Vendo - Vendes - Vende - Vendemos - Vendéis - Venden; Vending Machine
▶ Venir: to come; Vengo - Vienes - Viene - Venimos - Venís - Vienen; Bienvenida
▶ Ver: to see; Veo - Ves - Ve - Vemos - Veis - Ven
▶ Vestir: to dress; Visto - Vistes - Viste - Vestimos - Vestís - Visten; Vest
▶ Viajar a/por: to travel to; Viajo - Viajas - Viaja - Viajamos - Viajáis - Viajan
▶ Visitar: to visit; Visito - Visitas - Visita - Visitamos - Visitáis - Visitan
▶ Vivir: to live; Vivo - Vives - Vive - Vivimos - Vivís - Viven; Vivid
▶ Volar: to fly; Vuelo - Vuelas - Vuela - Volamos - Voláis - Vuelan; Volatile
▶ Volver: to return; Vuelvo - Vuelves - Vuelve - Volvemos - Volvéis - Vuelven; Revolve
▶ Usar: to use; Uso - Usas - Usa - Usamos - Usáis - Usan
Adjectivos Útiles
※ @는 남성형(-O), 여성형(-A)이 모두 존재하는 경우를 지칭한다.
※ 진행형은 -and@(s)의 꼴이며, -o로 끝나는 형용사는 -a로 고친 뒤 -nd@(s)를 붙인다.
※ 완료형은 -ad@(s)의 꼴이며, -o로 끝나는 형용사는 -a로 고친 뒤 -d@(s)를 붙인다.
▶ Abiert@(s): Open
▶ Aburrid@(s): Boring; "Boring" has the same root
▶ Afortunad@(s): Fortunate
▶ Agradable(s): Nice; Remind: "Glad"(en)
▶ Algre(s): Cheerful: Remind: "Alegreto"(es) used in music
▶ Alt@(s): Tall; Remind: "Alto"(en) used in music really comes from "Alto"(es)
▶ Alternativ@(s): Alternative
▶ Amarill@(s): Yellow
▶ Ambiente(s): of Environment
▶ Andand@: Walking; Andar
▶ Azul(es): Blue
▶ Baj@(s): Low
▶ Barat@(s): Cheap; Barter
▶ Bonit@(s): Beautiful
▶ Buen@(s): Good; Remind: The central city of Argentina, Buenas Ires
▶ Caliente(s): Hot; Calor
▶ Calv@(s): Bald; Remind: "Callous"(en)
▶ Cansad@(s): Tired
▶ Car@(s): Expensive; Remind: Car is expensive
▶ Cariño@(s): Affectionate; "Care"(en) has the same root
▶ Casad@(s): Married; 결혼은 피곤해(Cansad@(s))
▶ Clar@(s): Clear
▶ Clásic@(s): Classic
▶ Comercial(es): Commercial
▶ Cómic@(s): Comic
▶ Cort@(s): Short; Curtail
▶ Cuart@(s): Fourth
▶ Delgad@(s): Thin; Remind: "De-"(en) + "Gordo"(es)
▶ Difícil(es): Difficult
▶ Deprimod@(s): Depressed; "Depressed"(en) has the same root
▶ Divertid@(s): Funny; "Diverse"(en) has the same root
▶ Divorciad@(s): Divorced
▶ Educad@(s): Polite; "Educated"(en) has the same root
▶ Embarazada(s): Pregnant; When being "Pregnant"(en), you will be "Embarazada"(es)
▶ Enfadad@(s): Angry; "Infatuated"(en) has the same root
▶ Enferm@(s): Sick; "Infirm"(en) has the same root
▶ Enojad@(s): Angry; "Annoy"(en) has the same root
▶ Fácil(es): Easy
▶ Feliz(Felices): Happy; "Felicitation"(en) has the same root
▶ Frecuente(s): Frequent
▶ Generos@(s): Generous
▶ Gord@(s): Fat; Remind: 뚱뚱한 고르도스
▶ Grande(s): Big; "Grand"(en) has the same root
▶ Gris(es): Gray
▶ Guap@(s): Beautiful
▶ Hermos@(s): Beautiful
▶ Herid@(s): Hurt; "Hurt"(en) has the same root
▶ Interesante(s): Interesting
▶ Larg@(s): Long; "Large"(en) has the same root
▶ List@(s): smart, ready; Remind: List about what to do
▶ Lent@(s): Slow; "렌트 했는데 늦게 반납함"
▶ Madur@(s): Mature; "Mature" has the same root
▶ Marea@(s): Dizzy; "머리 아퍼"
▶ Marrón(es): Brown
▶ Mentiros@(s): Be like a liar; Remind: "Mentally"(en) prepared to cheat others
▶ Miserable(s): Miserable
▶ Modern@(s): Modern
▶ Moren@(s): Black-haired; "Mure"(en), "Immure"(en) has the same root
▶ Much@(s): Many/Much
▶ Mundial(es): Worldwide
▶ Musical(es): Musical
▶ Naranja(s): Orange
▶ Pequeño(s): Small
▶ Perezos@(s): Lazy
▶ Pobre(s): Poor; "Poor"(en) has the same root
▶ Popular(es): Popular
▶ Portátil(es): Portable
▶ Preocupad@(s): Worried; "Preoccupied" has the same root
▶ Primer@(s): First
▷ Cf. Primer - Primera - Primeros - Primeras
▶ Próxim@(s): Next
▶ Quint@(s): Fifth
▶ Rápid@(s): Rapid
▶ Resfriad@(s): Having a Cold; Etymology: "Re-"(en) + "Freeze"(en)
▶ Ric@(s): Rich/Delicious
▶ Rizado: Curly; Remind the opposite word of "Rizado"(es) is "Liso"(es)
▶ Roj@(s): Red; Remind: "Rose"(en)
▶ Romántic@(s): Romantic
▶ San@(s): Healthy; "Sane"(en)(↔ "Insane"(en)) has the same root
▶ Segunr@(s): Second
▶ Segur@(s): Sure; "Secure"(en) has the same root
▶ Sentad@(s): Seated
▶ Seri@(s): Serious; "Serious"(en) has the same root
▶ Sol@(s): Alone
▶ Solter@(s): Single
▶ Tercer@(s): Third
▷ Cf. Tercer - Tercera - Terceros - Terceras
▶ Tod@(s): Every
▶ Tont@(s): Fool; Remind: "또! 또!"
▶ Tradicional(es): Traditional
▶ Triste(s): Sad
▶ Vag@(s): Lazy; "He's so "Vague"(en) on his report because he is "Vago"(es)"
▶ Verde(s): Green
▶ Viej@(s): Old
▶ Violeta(s): Purple
▶ Viud@(s): Widower; "Widower"(en) has the same root
Los Otros Útiles
※ 부사에는 형용사의 여성형 '-a' 뒤에 '-mente'를 붙여서 만들며, 남·여성 동형인 명사에는 '-mente'만 붙이면 된다.
▶ Además: Besides; Additional
▶ Ahora: Now; "아우라"
▶ A menudo: Often
▶ Antes de (sustantivos o INF): Before
▶ Antes (S + V): Before
▶ A pie: On foot
▶ A veces: Sometimes
▶ Bien: Well
▶ Cada: Each; "각각(Each)을 고려하는 건 까다(Cada)롭다."
▶ Casi: Nearly
▶ Cerca: Near
▶ Con frencuencia: Frequently
▶ Después de (sustantivos o INF): After; Despite of?
▶ Después (S + V): After
▶ Durante: During
▶ Frecuentemente: Frequently
▶ Fuera de: Outside of
▶ Hasta: Until
▶ Hoy: Today
▶ Junto: Together
▶ Nunca: Never
▶ Muy: very
▶ Para: for
▶ Pero: But
▶ Por eso: Therefore
▶ Porque: Because
▶ Pronto: Soon; Prompt
▶ Siempre: Always; Simply ≒ Basically?
▶ Si: If
▶ Sí: Yes
▶ Sin: Without
▶ Tambien: Also
▶ Tan: So
▶ Tanto: So much
▶ Temprano: Early
▶ Todos los días: Everyday
출처: [정빈이의 공부방]
※ 변형은 (단수) 1인칭, 2인칭, 3인칭, (복수) 1인칭, 2인칭, 3인칭 순으로 나타내었다.
※ 대부분 악센트는 2인칭 복수에서만 붙는다.
※ -ar 규칙동사는 -o, -as, -a, -amos - áis - an으로 변형된다.
※ -er 규칙동사는 -o, -es, -e, -emos, -éis, -en으로 변형된다.
※ -ir 규칙동사는 -o, -es, -e, -imos, -ís, -en으로 변형된다.
※ Estar, Dar, Ir, Ver는 변형 규칙에서 악센트가 없다.
※ Reír는 i 자리에만 악센트가 생긴다.
▶ Abrazar: to embrace; "Embrace"(en) has the same root
▶ Abrir: to open; Abro - Abres - Abre - Abrimos - Abrís - Abrin
▶ Acostar: to bed; Remind: "Acostar"(es) in a "Coast"(en)
▶ Adelgazar: to lose weight; "Delgado"(es) has the same root
▶ Aguantar: to endure; Remind: The training the mind in "Agua"(es)
▶ Almorzar: to have lunch; Almuerzo - Almuerzas - Almuerza - Almuerzamos - Almuerzáis - Almuerzan; "Morsel"(en) has the same root
▶ Andar: to walk; Ando - Andas - Anda - Andamos - Andáis - Andan; Andante(안단테)
▶ Aprender a INF: to learn; Aprendo - Aprendes - Aprende - Aprendemos - Aprendéis - Aprenden; "Apprehend" has the same root
▶ Arrepentirse: to repent; "Repent" has the same root
▶ Asistir a: to attend to; Asisto - Asistes - Asiste - Asistimos - Asistís - Asisten
▶ Asustar: to scare; "Does ASUS made by Samsung "Asustar"(es) us?"
▶ Bailar: to dance; Bailo - Bailas - Baila - Bailamos - Bailáis - Bailan; "Ballet" has the same root
▶ Beber: to drink; Bebo - Bebes - Bebe - Bebemos - Bebéis - Beben
▶ Besar: to kiss; Remind: Both "Beber"(es) and "Besar"(es) are related to mouth
▶ Buscar: to search; "Busking"(버스킹)(en) has the same root; 버스킹의 유래는 후원자를 찾는 행위임
▶ Caer: to fall; Remind: "かえる(카에로)" = "저리가!"
▶ Caminar: to walk; Camino - Caminas - Camina - Caminamos - Camináis - Caminan; Camion
▶ Cantar: to sing; Canto - Cantas - Canta - Cantamos - Cantáis - Cantan
▶ Casar: to marry; Caso - Casas - Casa - Casamos - Casáis - Casan; Casad@(s)
▶ Cenar: to have dinner; Ceno - Cenas - Cena - Cenamos - Cenáis - Cenan
▶ Cerrar: to close; Cierro - Cierras - Cierra - Cerramos - Cerráis - Cierran
▶ Charlar: to char; Charlo - Charlas - Charla - Charlamos - Charláis - Charlan
▶ Cocinar: to cook; Cocino - Cocinas - Cocina - Cocinamos - Cocináis - Cocinan
▶ Comer: to eat; Como - Comes - Come - Comemos - Coméis - Comen
▶ Comprar: to buy; Compro - Compras - Compra - Compramos - Compráis - Compran; "구입할 때는 하나하나 비교(compare)해서!"
▶ Conocer: to know (by experience); Conozco - Conoces - Conoce - Conocemos - Conocéis - Conocen; Cognize
▶ Conseguir: to get; Consigo - Consigues - Consigue - Conseguimos - Conseguís - Consiguen; "결과(consequence)적으로 뭔가를 얻는다(get)."
▶ Correr: to run; Correo - Corres - Corre - Corremos - Corréis - Corren; Remind: Correo Electronico
▶ Costar: to cost; Cuesto - Cuestas - Cuesta - Costamos - Costáis - Cuestan
▶ Contar: to count, tell; Cuento - Cuentas - Cuenta - Contamos - Contáis - Cuentan; What does "counter" do?
▶ Crecer: to grow; "Grow"(en) has the same root
▶ Creer: to believe; Creo - Crees - Cree - Creemos - Creéis - Creen; "Creed"(en) has the same root
▶ Criar: to raise; "Create"(en) has the same root
▶ Dar: to give; Doy - Das - Da - Damos - Dais - Dan; Remind: "다 줄게"
▶ Dar a luz: to give birth to
▶ Decidir: to decide; Decido - Decides - Decide - Decidimos - Decidís - Deciden
▶ Decir que: to say that; Digo - Dices - Dice - Decimos - Decís - Dicen; Dictionary
▶ Dejar: to leave; Dejo - Dejas - Deja - Dejamos - Dejáis - Dejan; Remind: De(not) + Jar(하다) → 떠나다
▶ Dejar de: to stop
▶ Desayunar: to have breakfast; Desayuno - Desayunas - Desayuna - Desayunamos - Desayunáis - Desayunan
▶ Descansar: to rest; Descanso - Descansas - Descansa - Descansamos - Descansáis - Descansan; De + Cansad@(s)
▶ Despertar: to awaken; Etymology: "De-"(en) + "Spirit"(en)
▶ Disfrutar: to enjoy; "Fructose"(과당)(en) has the same root
▶ Doblar: to bent; "Double"(en) has the same root
▶ Dormir: to sleep; Duermo - Duermes - Duerme - Dormimos - Dormís - Duermen; "Dormitory"(en) has the same root
▶ Duchar: to shower
▶ Emocionar: to impress; "Emotion"(en) has the same root
▶ Empezar a: to start; Empiezo - Empiezas - Empieza - Empiezamos - Empiezáis - Empiezan; "Embark"(en) has the same root
▶ Empujar: to push; "Push" has the same root
▶ Encantar: to enchant; Encanto - Encantas - Encanta - Encantamos - Encantáis - Encantan
▶ Encontrar: to find; Encuentro - Encuentras - Encuentra - Encontramos - Encontráis - Encuentran; "Encounter"(en) has the same root
▶ Enseñar: to teach; Enseño - Enseñas - Enseña - Enseñamos - Enseñáis - Enseñan
▶ Entender: to understand; "Intend" has the same root
▶ Entregar: to deliver; Entrego - Entregas - Entrega - Entregamos - Entregáis - Entregan; Inter + Gave?
▶ Entrender: to understand; Entrendo - Entrendes - Entrende - Entrendemos - Entrendéis - Entrended
▶ Escribir: to write; Escribo - Escribes - Escribe - Escribimos - Escribís - Escriben; Script
▶ Escuchar: to hear; Escucho - Escuchas - Escucha - Escuchamos - Escucháis - Escuchan; Remind: "Escuchar"(es) looks like "Cochlea"(달팽이관)(en)
▶ Esperar: to wait; Espero - Esperas - Espera - Esperamos - Esperáis - Esperan; Remind: "Spe-"(en) means "Look"
▶ Estar: to be (transient state); Estoy - Estás - Está - Estamos - Estáis - Están
▶ Estudiar: to study; Estudio - Estudias - Estudia - Estudiamos - Estudiás - Estudian
▶ Gritar: to shout; Remind: "Gritar"(es) looks like "Guitar"(en)
▶ Hacer: to do; Hago - Haces - Hace - Hacemos - Hacéis - Hacen
▶ Hablar; to talk; Hablo - Hablas - Habla - Hablamos - Habláis - Hablan
▶ Ignorar; not to know; "Ignorance" has the same root
▶ Ir a (lugar): to go to somewhere; Voy - Vas - Va - Vamos - Vais - Van
▶ Ir a INF: to be going to do
▶ Ir de copa: to go for drinks
▶ Ir de compras: to go for shopping
▶ Jugar a: to play a sport of; Juego - Juegas - Juega - Jugamos - Jugáis - Juegan
▶ Lavar: to wash; Lavo - Lavas - Lava - Lavamos - Laváis - Lavan
▶ Leer: to read; Leo - Lees - Lee - Leemos - Leéis - Leen
▶ Levantar: to lift; "Lever"(en) has the same root
▶ Limpiar: to clean; Limpio - Limpias - Limpia - Limpiamos - Limpiáis - Limpian; "Lymph"(en) which appears in our body has the same root
▶ Llamar: to call; Llamo - Llamas - Llama - Llamamos - Llamáis - Llaman
▶ Llegar: to arrive; Llego - Llegas - Llega - Llegamos - Llegáis - Llegan; "ll" ↔ "rr", "ga" ↔ "go"?
▶ Llevar: to carry; Llevo - Llevas - Lleva - Llevamos - Lleváis - Llevan; "ll" ↔ "rr", "va" ↔ "venir" ↔ "come"?
▶ Llorar: to cry; Lloro - Lloras - Llora - Lloramos - Lloráis - Lloran; "조로가 운다?"
▶ Llover: to rain; Lluevo - Llueves - Llueve - Llovemos - Llovéis - Llueven; "ll" is like the shape of rain
▶ Mandar: to command/send; Mando - Mandas - Manda - Mandamos - Mandáis - Mandan; Mandatory
▶ Manejar: to drive; Manejo - Manejas - Maneja - Manejamos - Manejáis - Manejan; Manage to?
▶ Medir: to measure; Mido - Mides - Mide- Medimos - Medís - Miden
▶ Mentir: to lie; Miento - Mientes - Miente - Mentimos - Mentís - Mienten
▶ Mirar: to look; Miro - Miras - Mira - Miramos - Miráis - Miran
▶ Montar: to ride; Monto - Montas - Monta - Montamos - Montáis - Montan; Remind: "Mount"(장착하다)(en)
▶ Morir: to die; Muero - Mueres - Muere - Morimos - Morís - Mueren; "Mortal"(en) has the same root
▶ Mostrar: to show; Muestro - Muestras - Muestra - Mostramos - Mostráis - Muestran; Monster
▶ Mover: to move; Muevo - Mueves - Mueve - Movemos - Movéis - Mueven
▶ Nacer: to be born; "Nascent"(en) has the same root
▶ Nadar: to swim; Nado - Nadas - Nada - Nadamos - Nadáis - Nadan; 테니스 페더러 vs 나달을 상기
▶ Nevar: to snow; Nievo - Nievas - Nieva - Nevamos - Neváis - Nieven; "Nieve"(es) has the same root
▶ Odiar: to hate; Remind: "Odiar"(es) "Audio"(en)
▶ Oler: to smell; Remind: "Flor"(es)
▶ Olvidar: to forget; "Oblivion"(en) has the same root
▶ Pasar: to pass; Paso - Pasas - Pasa - Pasamos - Pasáis - Pasan
▶ Pasear: to walk; Paseo - Paseas - Pasea - Paseamos - Paseáis - Pasean; "Pass"(en) has the same root
▶ Pedir: to ask, order; Pido - Pides - Pide - Pedimos - Pedís - Piden; Remind: "Petition"(en)
▶ Pedir hora: to reserve
▶ Pensar en: to consider (sth); Pienso - Piensas - Piensa - Pensamos - Pensáis - Piesan; "Pensive"(en) has the same root
▶ Perder: to lose; Pierdo - Pierdes - Pierde - Perdemos - Perdéis - Pierden
▶ Picar: to itch; Remind: "Peak"
▶ Poder: to be able to; Puedo - Puedes - Puede - Podemos - Podéis - Pueden; Power
▶ Preferir: to prefer; Prefiero - Prefieres - Prefiere - Preferimos - Preferís - Prefieren
▶ Preparar: to prepare; Preparo - Preparas - Prepara - Preparamos - Preparáis - Preparan
▶ Prestar: to lend; Presto - Prestas - Presta - Prestamos - Prestáis - Prestan; Present (give)
▶ Prometer: to promise; Prometo - Prometes - Promete - Prometemos - Prometéis - Prometen; Promise ↔ Promote?
▶ Quedar: to stay; Quedo - Quedas - Queda - Quedamos - Quedáis - Quedan; 가만히 있으면 깨달음
▶ Quemar: to burn; Remind: "Quemar" "Queso"(치즈)(en)
▶ Querer: to want; Quiero - Quieres - Quiere - Queremos - Queréis - Quieren; "뭘 원해?"
▶ Quidar: to take care of; "기달려, 얘야!"
▶ Recibir: to receive; Recibo - Recibes - Recibe - Recibimos - Recibís - Reciben
▶ Recordar: to remember; Recuerdo - Recuerdas - Recuerda - Recordamos - Recordáis - Recuerdan; "Record"(en) has the same root
▶ Regalar: to gift; Regalo - Regalas - Regala - Regalamos - Regaláis - Regalan; Regalo
▶ Reír: to laugh; Río - Ríes - Ríe - Reímos - Reís - Ríen
▶ Relajar: to relax; Relajo - Relajas - Relaja - Relajamos - Relajáis - Relajan
▶ Repartir: to distribute; Reparto - Repartes - Reparte - Repartimos - Repartís - Reparten; Re(다시) + Part(분배); "Repartition"(en) has the same root
▶ Repetir: to repeat; Repito - Repites - Repite - Repetimos - Repetís - Repiten
▶ Saber: to know (by estudio); Sé - Sabes - Sabe - Sabemos - Sabéis - Saben; "Sapiens"(la) has the same root
▶ Saber INF: to know how to do
▶ Sacar: to take out; Remind: "Sacar"(es) a "Soccer"(en) ball
▶ Salir: to go out; Remind: "Sail"(en)
▶ Salir a/para: to go to; Salgo - Sales - Sale - Salimos - Salís - Salen
▶ Salir con: to go out with (= to play out with)
▶ Salir de: to get out of
▶ Saltar: to jump; Remind: "Sault"(폭포)(en)
▶ Seguir: to follow; Sigo - Sigues - Sigue - Seguimos - Seguís - Siguen; "Sequence"(en) has the same root
▶ Sentir: to feel; Siento - Sientes - Siente - Sentimos - Sentís - Sienten; "Sense"(en) has the same root
▶ Ser: to be (permanent state); Soy - Eres - Es - Somos - Sois - Son
▶ Servir: to serve; Sirvo - Sirves - Sirve - Servimos - Servís - Sirven
▶ Soborear: to savor; "Savor"(en) has the same root
▶ Soler: to be used to; Suelo - Sueles - Suele - Solemos - Soléis - Suelen; "Solely"(en) has the same root
▶ Soñar: to dream; "Soñador"(쏘냐도르)(es) has the same root
▶ Sorprender: to surprise; "Surprise"(en) has the same root
▶ Sudar: to sweat; "Sweat" has the same root
▶ Tener: to have; Tengo - Tienes - Tiene - Tenemos - Tenéis - Tienen
▶ Tener a: to have to
▶ Terminar: to end up; Termino - Terminas - Termina - Terminamos - Termináis - Terminan; Terminator
▶ Tirar: to throw; "Throw" has the same root
▶ Tocar: to touch/play (instrument); Toco - Tocas - Toca - Tocamos - Tocáis - Tocan
▶ Tomar: to take (class, drink, taxi ...); Tomo - Tomas - Toma - Tomamos - Tomáis - Toman
▶ Trabajar: to work; Trabajo - Trabajas - Trabaja - Trabajamos - Trabajáis - Trabajan
▶ Traer: to bring; Traigo - Traes - Trae - Traemos - Traéis - Traen; Trail로 to bring하는 느낌
▶ Vender: to sell; Vendo - Vendes - Vende - Vendemos - Vendéis - Venden; Vending Machine
▶ Venir: to come; Vengo - Vienes - Viene - Venimos - Venís - Vienen; Bienvenida
▶ Ver: to see; Veo - Ves - Ve - Vemos - Veis - Ven
▶ Vestir: to dress; Visto - Vistes - Viste - Vestimos - Vestís - Visten; Vest
▶ Viajar a/por: to travel to; Viajo - Viajas - Viaja - Viajamos - Viajáis - Viajan
▶ Visitar: to visit; Visito - Visitas - Visita - Visitamos - Visitáis - Visitan
▶ Vivir: to live; Vivo - Vives - Vive - Vivimos - Vivís - Viven; Vivid
▶ Volar: to fly; Vuelo - Vuelas - Vuela - Volamos - Voláis - Vuelan; Volatile
▶ Volver: to return; Vuelvo - Vuelves - Vuelve - Volvemos - Volvéis - Vuelven; Revolve
▶ Usar: to use; Uso - Usas - Usa - Usamos - Usáis - Usan
Adjectivos Útiles
※ @는 남성형(-O), 여성형(-A)이 모두 존재하는 경우를 지칭한다.
※ 진행형은 -and@(s)의 꼴이며, -o로 끝나는 형용사는 -a로 고친 뒤 -nd@(s)를 붙인다.
※ 완료형은 -ad@(s)의 꼴이며, -o로 끝나는 형용사는 -a로 고친 뒤 -d@(s)를 붙인다.
▶ Abiert@(s): Open
▶ Aburrid@(s): Boring; "Boring" has the same root
▶ Afortunad@(s): Fortunate
▶ Agradable(s): Nice; Remind: "Glad"(en)
▶ Algre(s): Cheerful: Remind: "Alegreto"(es) used in music
▶ Alt@(s): Tall; Remind: "Alto"(en) used in music really comes from "Alto"(es)
▶ Alternativ@(s): Alternative
▶ Amarill@(s): Yellow
▶ Ambiente(s): of Environment
▶ Andand@: Walking; Andar
▶ Azul(es): Blue
▶ Baj@(s): Low
▶ Barat@(s): Cheap; Barter
▶ Bonit@(s): Beautiful
▶ Buen@(s): Good; Remind: The central city of Argentina, Buenas Ires
▶ Caliente(s): Hot; Calor
▶ Calv@(s): Bald; Remind: "Callous"(en)
▶ Cansad@(s): Tired
▶ Car@(s): Expensive; Remind: Car is expensive
▶ Cariño@(s): Affectionate; "Care"(en) has the same root
▶ Casad@(s): Married; 결혼은 피곤해(Cansad@(s))
▶ Clar@(s): Clear
▶ Clásic@(s): Classic
▶ Comercial(es): Commercial
▶ Cómic@(s): Comic
▶ Cort@(s): Short; Curtail
▶ Cuart@(s): Fourth
▶ Delgad@(s): Thin; Remind: "De-"(en) + "Gordo"(es)
▶ Difícil(es): Difficult
▶ Deprimod@(s): Depressed; "Depressed"(en) has the same root
▶ Divertid@(s): Funny; "Diverse"(en) has the same root
▶ Divorciad@(s): Divorced
▶ Educad@(s): Polite; "Educated"(en) has the same root
▶ Embarazada(s): Pregnant; When being "Pregnant"(en), you will be "Embarazada"(es)
▶ Enfadad@(s): Angry; "Infatuated"(en) has the same root
▶ Enferm@(s): Sick; "Infirm"(en) has the same root
▶ Enojad@(s): Angry; "Annoy"(en) has the same root
▶ Fácil(es): Easy
▶ Feliz(Felices): Happy; "Felicitation"(en) has the same root
▶ Frecuente(s): Frequent
▶ Generos@(s): Generous
▶ Gord@(s): Fat; Remind: 뚱뚱한 고르도스
▶ Grande(s): Big; "Grand"(en) has the same root
▶ Gris(es): Gray
▶ Guap@(s): Beautiful
▶ Hermos@(s): Beautiful
▶ Herid@(s): Hurt; "Hurt"(en) has the same root
▶ Interesante(s): Interesting
▶ Larg@(s): Long; "Large"(en) has the same root
▶ List@(s): smart, ready; Remind: List about what to do
▶ Lent@(s): Slow; "렌트 했는데 늦게 반납함"
▶ Madur@(s): Mature; "Mature" has the same root
▶ Marea@(s): Dizzy; "머리 아퍼"
▶ Marrón(es): Brown
▶ Mentiros@(s): Be like a liar; Remind: "Mentally"(en) prepared to cheat others
▶ Miserable(s): Miserable
▶ Modern@(s): Modern
▶ Moren@(s): Black-haired; "Mure"(en), "Immure"(en) has the same root
▶ Much@(s): Many/Much
▶ Mundial(es): Worldwide
▶ Musical(es): Musical
▶ Naranja(s): Orange
▶ Pequeño(s): Small
▶ Perezos@(s): Lazy
▶ Pobre(s): Poor; "Poor"(en) has the same root
▶ Popular(es): Popular
▶ Portátil(es): Portable
▶ Preocupad@(s): Worried; "Preoccupied" has the same root
▶ Primer@(s): First
▷ Cf. Primer - Primera - Primeros - Primeras
▶ Próxim@(s): Next
▶ Quint@(s): Fifth
▶ Rápid@(s): Rapid
▶ Resfriad@(s): Having a Cold; Etymology: "Re-"(en) + "Freeze"(en)
▶ Ric@(s): Rich/Delicious
▶ Rizado: Curly; Remind the opposite word of "Rizado"(es) is "Liso"(es)
▶ Roj@(s): Red; Remind: "Rose"(en)
▶ Romántic@(s): Romantic
▶ San@(s): Healthy; "Sane"(en)(↔ "Insane"(en)) has the same root
▶ Segunr@(s): Second
▶ Segur@(s): Sure; "Secure"(en) has the same root
▶ Sentad@(s): Seated
▶ Seri@(s): Serious; "Serious"(en) has the same root
▶ Sol@(s): Alone
▶ Solter@(s): Single
▶ Tercer@(s): Third
▷ Cf. Tercer - Tercera - Terceros - Terceras
▶ Tod@(s): Every
▶ Tont@(s): Fool; Remind: "또! 또!"
▶ Tradicional(es): Traditional
▶ Triste(s): Sad
▶ Vag@(s): Lazy; "He's so "Vague"(en) on his report because he is "Vago"(es)"
▶ Verde(s): Green
▶ Viej@(s): Old
▶ Violeta(s): Purple
▶ Viud@(s): Widower; "Widower"(en) has the same root
Los Otros Útiles
※ 부사에는 형용사의 여성형 '-a' 뒤에 '-mente'를 붙여서 만들며, 남·여성 동형인 명사에는 '-mente'만 붙이면 된다.
▶ Además: Besides; Additional
▶ Ahora: Now; "아우라"
▶ A menudo: Often
▶ Antes de (sustantivos o INF): Before
▶ Antes (S + V): Before
▶ A pie: On foot
▶ A veces: Sometimes
▶ Bien: Well
▶ Cada: Each; "각각(Each)을 고려하는 건 까다(Cada)롭다."
▶ Casi: Nearly
▶ Cerca: Near
▶ Con frencuencia: Frequently
▶ Después de (sustantivos o INF): After; Despite of?
▶ Después (S + V): After
▶ Durante: During
▶ Frecuentemente: Frequently
▶ Fuera de: Outside of
▶ Hasta: Until
▶ Hoy: Today
▶ Junto: Together
▶ Nunca: Never
▶ Muy: very
▶ Para: for
▶ Pero: But
▶ Por eso: Therefore
▶ Porque: Because
▶ Pronto: Soon; Prompt
▶ Siempre: Always; Simply ≒ Basically?
▶ Si: If
▶ Sí: Yes
▶ Sin: Without
▶ Tambien: Also
▶ Tan: So
▶ Tanto: So much
▶ Temprano: Early
▶ Todos los días: Everyday
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