【스페인어】 스페인어 어원 (Spanish Etymology)
초록E 2016. 7. 27. 20:03
Sustantivos Útiles
※ ⒨는 masculino, ⒡는 femenino의 약자이다.
※ ⒫는 plural의 약자이다. 기본적으로 단수형태로 표시하되 상시 복수명사의 경우에만 표시해 두었다.
※ ⒫ = ⒮라고 표시한 경우는 단복수 동일한 경우에만 표시해 두었다.
※ @는 남성형(-O), 여성형(-A)이 모두 존재하는 경우를 지칭한다.
※ 기본적으로 모든 스페인어 명사는 성별을 가지고 있다.
※ 언어명, 요일명과 달명은 모두 남성형 ⒨ 이다.
※ -ción, -sión, -dad, -tad, -umbre, -sis로 끝나는 명사는 대부분 여성이다.
※ 성별이 분명하지 않는 명사는 대체로 남성 명사인 경우가 많다.
※ 장소명은 -ía로 끝나는 경우가 많다.
※ 과목명은 -í-ica, -ía로 끝나난 경우가 많다.
▶ Abogado ⒨: Lawer; "Advocator(주창자)"(en) has the same root
▶ Abril ⒨: April; "April"(en) has the same root
▶ Abuel@: Grandfather/Grandmother
▶ Acá: Here
▶ Acción ⒡: Action; "Action"(en) has the same root
▶ Agosto ⒨: August; "August"(en) has the same root
▶ Agua ⒡: Water; "Aqua"(en) has the same root
▶ Ahí: There
▶ Algo: Something; "뭐 알고 있어?"
▶ Alguien: Someone; "Algo"(es) has the same root
▶ Allá: There
▶ Allí: There
▶ Almuerzo: Lunch
▶ Alumn@: Student; "Alumnus"⒮(en) and "Alumni"⒮(en) has the same root
▶ Ama de casa: Housewife
▶ Ambiente ⒨: Environment; "Ambient"(en) has the same root
▶ Amig@: Friend
▶ Amor ⒨: Love
▶ Aquí: Here
▶ Árbol ⒨: Tree; "Arboretum(수목원)"(en) has the same root
▶ Arco iris ⒨: Rainbow
▶ Arroz ⒨: Rice
▶ Aventura ⒡: Adventure; "Adventure"(en) has the same root
▶ Avión ⒨: Airplane; "AVIOS" has the same root
▶ Autobús ⒨: Bus; "Bus"(en) has the same root
▶ Automóvil ⒨: Automobile; "Automobile"(en) has the same root
▶ Ayuda ⒡: Help; "Aid"(en) has the same root
▶ Baloncesto ⒨: Basketball; Etymology: Balon(Ball) + Cesto(Case) = Basketball
▶ Banco ⒨: Bank; "Bank"(en) has the same root
▶ Bañera ⒡: Bathtub; "Bathtub"(en) has the same root
▶ Barba ⒡: Beard; "Beard"(en) has the same root
▶ Barco ⒨: Ship; "Embark"(en) has the same root
▶ Basquetbol ⒨: Basketball; "Basketball"(en) has the same root
▶ Bautizo ⒨: Christening; "Baptism"(en) has the same root
▶ Biblioteca ⒡: Library; "Bible"(en) has the same root
▶ Bicicleta ⒡: Bicycle; "Bicycle"(en) has the same root
▶ Billete ⒨: Ticket; "Bill"(en) has the same root
▶ Billetera ⒡: Wallet; "Billete"(es) has the same root
▶ Biología ⒡: Biology; "Biology"(en) has the same root
▶ Blusa ⒡: Blouse; "Blouse"(en) has the same root
▶ Boda ⒡: Wedding; "Vow"(en) has the same root
▶ Bolígrafo ⒨: Pen; Etymology: Ball(볼펜의 '볼') + Graph(그림)
▶ Caballero ⒨: Gentleman, Knight; "Cowboy"(en) has the same root
▶ Café ⒨: Coffee; "Cafe"(en) has the same root
▶ Cafetería ⒡: Cafeteria; "Cafe"(en) has the same root
▶ Caja ⒡: Box; "박스는 까봐야 제 맛"
▶ Calle ⒡: Street
▶ Cama ⒡: Bed; "Coma"(en) has the same root
▶ Camarer@: Waiter; Remind: The person who "Came"(en) and "Reer"(es)
▶ Camino ⒨: Path; "Caminar"(es) has the same root
▶ Camion ⒨: Truck
▶ Camiseta ⒡: Shirt; "Caminar"(es) has the same root
▶ Campo ⒨: Country; Remind: "Camp"(en) is held at "Country"(en)
▶ Cara ⒡ : Head; "Carrot"(en) has the same root
▶ Carne ⒡: Meat; "Carnival"(en) has the same root
▶ Carta ⒡: Letter; Remind: "Letter"(en) should be "Corta"(es)
▶ Cartera ⒡: Wallet; Remind: When seeing "Castella", we want to open "Cartera"(es)
▶ Cartaro ⒨: Postmen; "Carta"(es) has the same root
▶ Casa ⒡: House; Remind: Casa Blank(es)(백악관)
▶ Cerveza ⒡: Beer
▶ Chic@: Boy/Girl; Remind: "Chikorita" which appears at "Pokemon"
▶ Ciencia ⒡: Science; "Science"(en) has the same root
▶ Cine ⒨: Theater; "Cinematic"(en) has the same root
▶ Cita ⒡: Appointment; "Cite"(en) has the same root
▶ Ciudad ⒡: City; "City"(en) has the same root
▶ Clase ⒡: Class; "Class"(en) has the same root
▶ Cliente: Client; "Client"(en) has the same root
▶ Coche ⒨: Car
▶ Comedor ⒨: Dinning room; "Comer"(es) has the same root
▶ Comida ⒡: Food; "Comer"(es) the same root
▶ Concierto ⒨: Concert; "Concert"(en) has the same root
▶ Copa ⒡: Cup; "Cup"(en) has the same root
▶ Corbata ⒡: Necktie
▶ Coreano ⒨: Korean; "Korean"(en) has the same root
▶ Correo electrónico⒨: Email; Etymology: "Correr"(es) + "Electronic"(en)
▶ Cumpleaños ⒨ ⒫: Birthday; Etymology : "Complete"(en) + "Año"(es)
▶ Cuaderno ⒨: Notebook
▶ Cuarto ⒨: Room, 1/4, The fourth; "Cuatro"(es) has the same root
▶ Cuatro ⒨: 4
▶ Cuello ⒨: Neck; "Collar"(en) has the same root
▶ Cuñad@: Brother-in-law/Sister-in-law
▶ Dama ⒡: Lady
▶ Dependiente: Depender, Subordinate
▶ Deporte ⒨: Sport
▶ Día ⒨: Day; 날, 낮
▶ Diciembre ⒨: December
▶ Dinero ⒨: Money; "돈"
▶ Discoteca ⒨: Discotheque; "디스코팡팡(?)"
▶ Diseño ⒨: Design
▶ Divorcio ⒨: Divorce
▶ Dolor ⒨: Pain; "Dolor"(en) gives us "Dolor"(es)
▶ Domingo ⒨: Sunday; to dorm(= sleep)
▶ Dormitorio ⒨: Bedroom; Dormitory
▶ Economía ⒡: Economy
▶ Ejercicio ⒨: Excercise
▶ Empresa ⒡: Company; "Enterprise"(en) has the same root
▶ Enero ⒨: January
▶ Enfermer@: Nurse; "Infirm"(en) has the same root
▶ Enfermería ⒡: Nursing
▶ Entrada ⒡: Entry (ticket)
▶ Envidia ⒡: Envy; "Envy"(en) has the same root
▶ Escritorio ⒨: Writing desk
▶ Escuela ⒡: School; "School"(en) has the same root
▶ Espalda ⒡: Body's back; "Spatial"(en) has the same root
▶ Espejo ⒨: Mirror; Remind: "Spe-"(en) means "Look"(en)
▶ Espos@: Husband/Wife; "Spouse"(en) has the same root
▶ Examen ⒨: Exam; "Exam"(en) has the same root
▶ Éxito ⒨: Success; Remind: The "Exit" of the startup(venture)
▶ Extranjero ⒨ ⒡: Foreigner; "Extranger"(en) has the same root
▶ Familia ⒡: Family
▶ Fantasía ⒡: Fantasy
▶ Febrero ⒨: Febrary
▶ Fecha ⒡: Date
▶ Feriado ⒨: Holiday
▶ Fiebre ⒡: Fever; "Fever"(en) has the same root
▶ Fiesta ⒡: Festival (or Party)
▶ Fin ⒨: End; "Fin-" is the root of "Finish" and "Finite"
▶ Física ⒡: Physics
▶ Flor ⒡: Flower; "Flower"(en) has the same root
▶ Francés ⒨: French
▶ Frecuencia ⒡: Frequency
▶ Frente ⒨⒡: Forehead; "Frontal"(en) has the same root
▶ Fuego ⒨: Fire; "Fire"(en) has the same root
▶ Fútbol ⒨: Football; "Football"(en) has the same root
▶ Gafas ⒡ ⒫: Glasses
▶ Garganta ⒡: Throat; "Gargle"(en) has the same root
▶ Gato ⒨: Cat
▶ Gimnasio ⒨: Gym; "Gymnastic"(en) has the same root
▶ Golpe ⒨: Blow, Crash; Remind: What "Golf"(en) represents
▶ Golpe de estado ⒨: Coup; Etymology: "States"(en) + "Golpe"(es)
▶ Gripe ⒡: Influenza; Etymology: Catch a cold ≒ "Grip"(en) ↔ "Gripe"(es)
▶ Guerra ⒡: War; "Guerrilla War"(en) has the same root
▶ Guitarra ⒡: Guitar
▶ Hamburguesa ⒡: Hamburger
▶ Helado ⒡: Icecream; Etymology: Helado(es) ≒ Gelado(it) ≒ Gelatin(en)
▶ Herman@: Brother/Sister; Remind: "Her"(mother)(en) + "Mano"(es)
▶ Hígado ⒨: Liver; "Pig"(en) has the same root
▶ Hij@: Son
▶ Historia ⒡: History; "History"(en) has the same root
▶ Hombre ⒨: Human, Male
▶ Hogar ⒨: Home, Fireplace; "Fuego"(es) has the same root
▶ Hoja ⒡: Leaf; Remind: Roja? no, Hoja!
▶ Hora ⒡: Hour; "Hour"(en) has the same root
▶ Hueso ⒨: Bone; "Osteo-"(en) has the same root
▶ Huésped ⒨: Guest; "Hospitality"(en) has the same root
▶ Idioma ⒨: Language; "Idea"(en) has the same root
▶ Iglesia ⒡: Church; Etymology: "In"(en) + "Greg-"(people)(en)
▶ Inglés ⒨: English; "English"(en) has the same root
▶ Invierno ⒨: Winter; Remind: "In"(not)(en) + "Verde"(es)
▶ Isla ⒡: Island; "Island"(en) has the same root
▶ Japonés ⒨: Japanese; "Japanese"(en) has the same root
▶ Jefe: Boss; Remind: 제프(원피스)
▶ Jueves ⒨: Thursday; "Jupiter"(en) has the same root
▶ Jugo ⒨: Juice
▶ Julio ⒨: July; "July"(en) has the same root
▶ Junio ⒨: June; "June"(en) has the same root
▶ Labio ⒨: Lip; "Lip"(en) has the same root
▶ Lágrima ⒡: Tears; Remind: "Grim"(우울한)(en)
▶ Lámpara ⒡: Lamp; "Lamp"(en) has the same root
▶ Lápiz ⒨: Pencil
▶ Leche ⒡: Milk; "Lactose"(en) has the same root; 여성형인 이유: 모유를 연상
▶ Lector ⒨: Reader; "Leer"(es) has the same root
▶ Lengua ⒡: Language; "Language"(en) has the same root
▶ Librería ⒡: Library; "Library"(en) has the same root
▶ Libro ⒨: Book; "Library"(en) has the same root
▶ Llave ⒡: Key
▶ Los estados unidos ⒨: USA; "The states united"(en) has the same root
▶ Lugar ⒨: Place
▶ Luna ⒡: Moon; "Lune"(en) has the same root
▶ Lunes ⒨: Monday; "Lune"(en) has the same root
▶ Luz ⒡: Light; "Lux"(en) has the same root
▶ Madre ⒡: Mother; "Mother"(en) has the same root
▶ Mañana ⒡: Tomorrow(la -), Morning
▶ Mano ⒡: Hand
▶ Mar ⒨: Sea; Remind: "물" ≒ "말"
▶ Marido ⒨: Husband; "Male"(en) has the same root
▶ Martes ⒨: Tuesday; "Mars"(en) has the same root
▶ Marzo ⒨: March; "Mars"(en) has the same root
▶ Mayo ⒨: May; "May"(en) has the same root
▶ Médic@: Doctor; "Medical"(en) has the same root
▶ Medio ⒨: Medium; "Medium"(en) has the same root
▶ Mejilla ⒡: Cheek; Remind: "Messiah"(en)
▶ Mensaje ⒨: Message
▶ Mercado ⒨: Market; "Merchant"(en) has the same root
▶ Merienda ⒡: Snack; Remind: "Merry"(en)
▶ Mesa ⒡: Table
▶ Metro ⒨: Metro
▶ México ⒨: Mexico
▶ Miedo ⒨: Fear; "매독은 무서워!"
▶ Miel ⒡: Honey; Remind: "Mellow"(en)
▶ Miércoles ⒨: Wednesday; Mercury
▶ Mil: One thousand
▶ Misterio ⒡: Mystery
▶ Moto(cicleta) ⒡: Motocycle
▶ Móvil ⒡: Mobile
▶ Muchach@: Boy/Girl
▶ Mujer ⒡: Female; Remind: 무희
▶ Mundo ⒨: World; Mundane
▶ Museo ⒨: Museum
▶ Música ⒡: Music
▶ Nada: Nothing, 부정문에서의 Anything
▶ Nariz ⒨: Nose
▶ Niet@: Grandson/Granddaughter
▶ Noche ⒡: Night
▶ Nota ⒡: Note/Grade
▶ Novela ⒡: Novel
▶ Novi@: Beloved; "난 당신의 노비오."
▶ Noviembre ⒨: November
▶ Nuera ⒡: Wife; "Nora"(latin) which appears in "Horizon Zero Dawn" has the same root
▶ Octubre ⒨: October
▶ Oficina ⒡: Office
▶ Ojo ⒨: Eye
▶ Ombligo ⒨: Belly button; "Belly"(en) has the same root
▶ Oreja ⒨⒡: Ear; "Oracle"(en) has the same root
▶ Otoño ⒨: Autumn; "Autumn"(en) has the same root
▶ Otro ⒨: Other; "Other"(en) has the same root
▶ Padre ⒨: Father
▶ Página ⒡: Page
▶ País ⒨: Country
▶ Pájaro ⒨: Bird
▶ Pan ⒨: Bread
▶ Panadería ⒡: Bakery
▶ Papel ⒨: Paper
▶ Papelería ⒡: Stationery; Remind: 문방구는 종이들을 판다
▶ Paquete ⒨: Package
▶ Parej@ ⒡: Couple; "Pair"(en) has the same root
▶ Pariente ⒨⒡: Relative; "Don't confuse "Pariente"(es) and "Parent"(en)!"
▶ Parque ⒨: Park
▶ Partido ⒨: Match, Game; Remind: "Partido" is like "Part"
▶ Pasado manaña: The day after tomorrow; Pasar
▶ Pasaporte ⒨: Passport
▶ Pecho ⒨: Chest; "Pectas"(en) has the same root
▶ Película ⒡: Movie
▶ Pelo ⒨: Hair
▶ Pena ⒡: Pain; "Pain"(en) has the same root
▶ Periódico ⒨: Newspaper; "Period"(en) has the same root
▶ Perro ⒨: Dog
▶ Pescado ⒨: Fish
▶ Pestana ⒡: Eyelash; "Pelo"(es) has the same root
▶ Pie ⒡: Foot; Remind "Pie"(es) which looks like "Pie"(en)
▶ Piel ⒡: Skin; Remind: "Pie"(es)
▶ Piscina ⒡: Pond; Remind fish in the "Piscina"(es)
▶ Piso ⒨: Floor, Apartment
▶ Playa ⒡: Beach; Remind: Play a ... at a beach?
▶ Poesía ⒡: Poetry
▶ Política ⒡: Politics
▶ Primavera ⒡: Spring; Remind: Prima(first) + Vera(verde)
▶ Prim@: Cousin
▶ Psicología ⒡: Psychology
▶ Química ⒡: Chemistry
▶ Quinientos: Five hundreds
▶ Refresco ⒨: Soda; Refreshing
▶ Regalo ⒨: Gift; Regard?
▶ Restaurante ⒨: Restaurant
▶ Revista ⒡: Magazine; Etymology: "Re"(continously)(en) + "Visually"(en)
▶ Reunión ⒡: Meeting; "Reunion"(연합)(en) has the same root
▶ Rodilla ⒡: Knee; Etymology: "Rotational-"(en) ≒ "Rot-"(en) ≒ Knee's joint
▶ Ropa ⒡: Cloth; "Robe"(en) has the same root
▶ Sábado ⒨: Saturday; "Saturday" has the same root
▶ Sangria ⒡: Blood; "Sangria"(샹그리아 와인)(en) has the same root
▶ Semana ⒡: Week; "주마다 세미나?"
▶ Señor(a): Mr(s)
▶ Señorita: Miss
▶ Septiembre: September
▶ Serie ⒡: Series
▶ Sobrin@: Nephew
▶ Sueño: Sleep; "Insomnia"(en) has the same root
▶ Supermercado ⒨: Supermarket; "Supermarket"(en) has the same root
▶ Tarea ⒡: Homework; "숙제를 하려면 타르트(Tarta)가 있어야 해!"
▶ Tarde ⒡: Afternoon
▶ Tarta ⒡: Big cake
▶ Té ⒨: Tea
▶ Telenovela ⒡: Drama; Television + Novel
▶ Televisión ⒡: Television
▶ Tema ⒡: Theme
▶ Tenis ⒨: Tenis
▶ Tí@: Uncle/Aunt
▶ Tipo ⒨: Type
▶ Tos ⒡: Cough; Remind: "Tos"(es) with "Tissue"(en)
▶ Trabajo ⒨: Work
▶ Trasero ⒨: Hip; "Tras"(뒤)(es) has the same root
▶ Tren ⒨: Train
▶ Tripa ⒡: Gut; Remind: Food's "Trip"(en) to "Tripa"(es)
▶ Turista ⒡: Tourist
▶ Uña ⒡: Nail
▶ Urgencias: E.R.(Emergency Room); "Urgent"(en) has the same root
▶ Vacaciones ⒡ ⒫: Vacation
▶ Vecin@: Neighbor; "Vicinity"(en) has the same root
▶ Ventana ⒡: Window; "Ventilation"(en) has the same root
▶ Verano ⒨: Summer; Remind: Verde
▶ Verdad ⒡: True; "Verity"(en) has the same root
▶ Vestido ⒨: Dress; "Vest"(조끼)(en) has the same root
▶ Veterinario ⒨: Veterinarian
▶ Vez ⒡; Time of count
▶ Viaje ⒨: Travel; "Via(~를 거쳐)"(en) has the same root
▶ Viernes ⒨: Friday; Venus
▶ Vino ⒨: Wine
▶ Voz ⒡: Voice
▶ Zapato ⒨: Shoes
출처: https://nate9389.tistory.com/886 [정빈이의 공부방]
초록E 2016. 7. 27. 20:03
Sustantivos Útiles
※ ⒨는 masculino, ⒡는 femenino의 약자이다.
※ ⒫는 plural의 약자이다. 기본적으로 단수형태로 표시하되 상시 복수명사의 경우에만 표시해 두었다.
※ ⒫ = ⒮라고 표시한 경우는 단복수 동일한 경우에만 표시해 두었다.
※ @는 남성형(-O), 여성형(-A)이 모두 존재하는 경우를 지칭한다.
※ 기본적으로 모든 스페인어 명사는 성별을 가지고 있다.
※ 언어명, 요일명과 달명은 모두 남성형 ⒨ 이다.
※ -ción, -sión, -dad, -tad, -umbre, -sis로 끝나는 명사는 대부분 여성이다.
※ 성별이 분명하지 않는 명사는 대체로 남성 명사인 경우가 많다.
※ 장소명은 -ía로 끝나는 경우가 많다.
※ 과목명은 -í-ica, -ía로 끝나난 경우가 많다.
▶ Abogado ⒨: Lawer; "Advocator(주창자)"(en) has the same root
▶ Abril ⒨: April; "April"(en) has the same root
▶ Abuel@: Grandfather/Grandmother
▶ Acá: Here
▶ Acción ⒡: Action; "Action"(en) has the same root
▶ Agosto ⒨: August; "August"(en) has the same root
▶ Agua ⒡: Water; "Aqua"(en) has the same root
▶ Ahí: There
▶ Algo: Something; "뭐 알고 있어?"
▶ Alguien: Someone; "Algo"(es) has the same root
▶ Allá: There
▶ Allí: There
▶ Almuerzo: Lunch
▶ Alumn@: Student; "Alumnus"⒮(en) and "Alumni"⒮(en) has the same root
▶ Ama de casa: Housewife
▶ Ambiente ⒨: Environment; "Ambient"(en) has the same root
▶ Amig@: Friend
▶ Amor ⒨: Love
▶ Aquí: Here
▶ Árbol ⒨: Tree; "Arboretum(수목원)"(en) has the same root
▶ Arco iris ⒨: Rainbow
▶ Arroz ⒨: Rice
▶ Aventura ⒡: Adventure; "Adventure"(en) has the same root
▶ Avión ⒨: Airplane; "AVIOS" has the same root
▶ Autobús ⒨: Bus; "Bus"(en) has the same root
▶ Automóvil ⒨: Automobile; "Automobile"(en) has the same root
▶ Ayuda ⒡: Help; "Aid"(en) has the same root
▶ Baloncesto ⒨: Basketball; Etymology: Balon(Ball) + Cesto(Case) = Basketball
▶ Banco ⒨: Bank; "Bank"(en) has the same root
▶ Bañera ⒡: Bathtub; "Bathtub"(en) has the same root
▶ Barba ⒡: Beard; "Beard"(en) has the same root
▶ Barco ⒨: Ship; "Embark"(en) has the same root
▶ Basquetbol ⒨: Basketball; "Basketball"(en) has the same root
▶ Bautizo ⒨: Christening; "Baptism"(en) has the same root
▶ Biblioteca ⒡: Library; "Bible"(en) has the same root
▶ Bicicleta ⒡: Bicycle; "Bicycle"(en) has the same root
▶ Billete ⒨: Ticket; "Bill"(en) has the same root
▶ Billetera ⒡: Wallet; "Billete"(es) has the same root
▶ Biología ⒡: Biology; "Biology"(en) has the same root
▶ Blusa ⒡: Blouse; "Blouse"(en) has the same root
▶ Boda ⒡: Wedding; "Vow"(en) has the same root
▶ Bolígrafo ⒨: Pen; Etymology: Ball(볼펜의 '볼') + Graph(그림)
▶ Caballero ⒨: Gentleman, Knight; "Cowboy"(en) has the same root
▶ Café ⒨: Coffee; "Cafe"(en) has the same root
▶ Cafetería ⒡: Cafeteria; "Cafe"(en) has the same root
▶ Caja ⒡: Box; "박스는 까봐야 제 맛"
▶ Calle ⒡: Street
▶ Cama ⒡: Bed; "Coma"(en) has the same root
▶ Camarer@: Waiter; Remind: The person who "Came"(en) and "Reer"(es)
▶ Camino ⒨: Path; "Caminar"(es) has the same root
▶ Camion ⒨: Truck
▶ Camiseta ⒡: Shirt; "Caminar"(es) has the same root
▶ Campo ⒨: Country; Remind: "Camp"(en) is held at "Country"(en)
▶ Cara ⒡ : Head; "Carrot"(en) has the same root
▶ Carne ⒡: Meat; "Carnival"(en) has the same root
▶ Carta ⒡: Letter; Remind: "Letter"(en) should be "Corta"(es)
▶ Cartera ⒡: Wallet; Remind: When seeing "Castella", we want to open "Cartera"(es)
▶ Cartaro ⒨: Postmen; "Carta"(es) has the same root
▶ Casa ⒡: House; Remind: Casa Blank(es)(백악관)
▶ Cerveza ⒡: Beer
▶ Chic@: Boy/Girl; Remind: "Chikorita" which appears at "Pokemon"
▶ Ciencia ⒡: Science; "Science"(en) has the same root
▶ Cine ⒨: Theater; "Cinematic"(en) has the same root
▶ Cita ⒡: Appointment; "Cite"(en) has the same root
▶ Ciudad ⒡: City; "City"(en) has the same root
▶ Clase ⒡: Class; "Class"(en) has the same root
▶ Cliente: Client; "Client"(en) has the same root
▶ Coche ⒨: Car
▶ Comedor ⒨: Dinning room; "Comer"(es) has the same root
▶ Comida ⒡: Food; "Comer"(es) the same root
▶ Concierto ⒨: Concert; "Concert"(en) has the same root
▶ Copa ⒡: Cup; "Cup"(en) has the same root
▶ Corbata ⒡: Necktie
▶ Coreano ⒨: Korean; "Korean"(en) has the same root
▶ Correo electrónico⒨: Email; Etymology: "Correr"(es) + "Electronic"(en)
▶ Cumpleaños ⒨ ⒫: Birthday; Etymology : "Complete"(en) + "Año"(es)
▶ Cuaderno ⒨: Notebook
▶ Cuarto ⒨: Room, 1/4, The fourth; "Cuatro"(es) has the same root
▶ Cuatro ⒨: 4
▶ Cuello ⒨: Neck; "Collar"(en) has the same root
▶ Cuñad@: Brother-in-law/Sister-in-law
▶ Dama ⒡: Lady
▶ Dependiente: Depender, Subordinate
▶ Deporte ⒨: Sport
▶ Día ⒨: Day; 날, 낮
▶ Diciembre ⒨: December
▶ Dinero ⒨: Money; "돈"
▶ Discoteca ⒨: Discotheque; "디스코팡팡(?)"
▶ Diseño ⒨: Design
▶ Divorcio ⒨: Divorce
▶ Dolor ⒨: Pain; "Dolor"(en) gives us "Dolor"(es)
▶ Domingo ⒨: Sunday; to dorm(= sleep)
▶ Dormitorio ⒨: Bedroom; Dormitory
▶ Economía ⒡: Economy
▶ Ejercicio ⒨: Excercise
▶ Empresa ⒡: Company; "Enterprise"(en) has the same root
▶ Enero ⒨: January
▶ Enfermer@: Nurse; "Infirm"(en) has the same root
▶ Enfermería ⒡: Nursing
▶ Entrada ⒡: Entry (ticket)
▶ Envidia ⒡: Envy; "Envy"(en) has the same root
▶ Escritorio ⒨: Writing desk
▶ Escuela ⒡: School; "School"(en) has the same root
▶ Espalda ⒡: Body's back; "Spatial"(en) has the same root
▶ Espejo ⒨: Mirror; Remind: "Spe-"(en) means "Look"(en)
▶ Espos@: Husband/Wife; "Spouse"(en) has the same root
▶ Examen ⒨: Exam; "Exam"(en) has the same root
▶ Éxito ⒨: Success; Remind: The "Exit" of the startup(venture)
▶ Extranjero ⒨ ⒡: Foreigner; "Extranger"(en) has the same root
▶ Familia ⒡: Family
▶ Fantasía ⒡: Fantasy
▶ Febrero ⒨: Febrary
▶ Fecha ⒡: Date
▶ Feriado ⒨: Holiday
▶ Fiebre ⒡: Fever; "Fever"(en) has the same root
▶ Fiesta ⒡: Festival (or Party)
▶ Fin ⒨: End; "Fin-" is the root of "Finish" and "Finite"
▶ Física ⒡: Physics
▶ Flor ⒡: Flower; "Flower"(en) has the same root
▶ Francés ⒨: French
▶ Frecuencia ⒡: Frequency
▶ Frente ⒨⒡: Forehead; "Frontal"(en) has the same root
▶ Fuego ⒨: Fire; "Fire"(en) has the same root
▶ Fútbol ⒨: Football; "Football"(en) has the same root
▶ Gafas ⒡ ⒫: Glasses
▶ Garganta ⒡: Throat; "Gargle"(en) has the same root
▶ Gato ⒨: Cat
▶ Gimnasio ⒨: Gym; "Gymnastic"(en) has the same root
▶ Golpe ⒨: Blow, Crash; Remind: What "Golf"(en) represents
▶ Golpe de estado ⒨: Coup; Etymology: "States"(en) + "Golpe"(es)
▶ Gripe ⒡: Influenza; Etymology: Catch a cold ≒ "Grip"(en) ↔ "Gripe"(es)
▶ Guerra ⒡: War; "Guerrilla War"(en) has the same root
▶ Guitarra ⒡: Guitar
▶ Hamburguesa ⒡: Hamburger
▶ Helado ⒡: Icecream; Etymology: Helado(es) ≒ Gelado(it) ≒ Gelatin(en)
▶ Herman@: Brother/Sister; Remind: "Her"(mother)(en) + "Mano"(es)
▶ Hígado ⒨: Liver; "Pig"(en) has the same root
▶ Hij@: Son
▶ Historia ⒡: History; "History"(en) has the same root
▶ Hombre ⒨: Human, Male
▶ Hogar ⒨: Home, Fireplace; "Fuego"(es) has the same root
▶ Hoja ⒡: Leaf; Remind: Roja? no, Hoja!
▶ Hora ⒡: Hour; "Hour"(en) has the same root
▶ Hueso ⒨: Bone; "Osteo-"(en) has the same root
▶ Huésped ⒨: Guest; "Hospitality"(en) has the same root
▶ Idioma ⒨: Language; "Idea"(en) has the same root
▶ Iglesia ⒡: Church; Etymology: "In"(en) + "Greg-"(people)(en)
▶ Inglés ⒨: English; "English"(en) has the same root
▶ Invierno ⒨: Winter; Remind: "In"(not)(en) + "Verde"(es)
▶ Isla ⒡: Island; "Island"(en) has the same root
▶ Japonés ⒨: Japanese; "Japanese"(en) has the same root
▶ Jefe: Boss; Remind: 제프(원피스)
▶ Jueves ⒨: Thursday; "Jupiter"(en) has the same root
▶ Jugo ⒨: Juice
▶ Julio ⒨: July; "July"(en) has the same root
▶ Junio ⒨: June; "June"(en) has the same root
▶ Labio ⒨: Lip; "Lip"(en) has the same root
▶ Lágrima ⒡: Tears; Remind: "Grim"(우울한)(en)
▶ Lámpara ⒡: Lamp; "Lamp"(en) has the same root
▶ Lápiz ⒨: Pencil
▶ Leche ⒡: Milk; "Lactose"(en) has the same root; 여성형인 이유: 모유를 연상
▶ Lector ⒨: Reader; "Leer"(es) has the same root
▶ Lengua ⒡: Language; "Language"(en) has the same root
▶ Librería ⒡: Library; "Library"(en) has the same root
▶ Libro ⒨: Book; "Library"(en) has the same root
▶ Llave ⒡: Key
▶ Los estados unidos ⒨: USA; "The states united"(en) has the same root
▶ Lugar ⒨: Place
▶ Luna ⒡: Moon; "Lune"(en) has the same root
▶ Lunes ⒨: Monday; "Lune"(en) has the same root
▶ Luz ⒡: Light; "Lux"(en) has the same root
▶ Madre ⒡: Mother; "Mother"(en) has the same root
▶ Mañana ⒡: Tomorrow(la -), Morning
▶ Mano ⒡: Hand
▶ Mar ⒨: Sea; Remind: "물" ≒ "말"
▶ Marido ⒨: Husband; "Male"(en) has the same root
▶ Martes ⒨: Tuesday; "Mars"(en) has the same root
▶ Marzo ⒨: March; "Mars"(en) has the same root
▶ Mayo ⒨: May; "May"(en) has the same root
▶ Médic@: Doctor; "Medical"(en) has the same root
▶ Medio ⒨: Medium; "Medium"(en) has the same root
▶ Mejilla ⒡: Cheek; Remind: "Messiah"(en)
▶ Mensaje ⒨: Message
▶ Mercado ⒨: Market; "Merchant"(en) has the same root
▶ Merienda ⒡: Snack; Remind: "Merry"(en)
▶ Mesa ⒡: Table
▶ Metro ⒨: Metro
▶ México ⒨: Mexico
▶ Miedo ⒨: Fear; "매독은 무서워!"
▶ Miel ⒡: Honey; Remind: "Mellow"(en)
▶ Miércoles ⒨: Wednesday; Mercury
▶ Mil: One thousand
▶ Misterio ⒡: Mystery
▶ Moto(cicleta) ⒡: Motocycle
▶ Móvil ⒡: Mobile
▶ Muchach@: Boy/Girl
▶ Mujer ⒡: Female; Remind: 무희
▶ Mundo ⒨: World; Mundane
▶ Museo ⒨: Museum
▶ Música ⒡: Music
▶ Nada: Nothing, 부정문에서의 Anything
▶ Nariz ⒨: Nose
▶ Niet@: Grandson/Granddaughter
▶ Noche ⒡: Night
▶ Nota ⒡: Note/Grade
▶ Novela ⒡: Novel
▶ Novi@: Beloved; "난 당신의 노비오."
▶ Noviembre ⒨: November
▶ Nuera ⒡: Wife; "Nora"(latin) which appears in "Horizon Zero Dawn" has the same root
▶ Octubre ⒨: October
▶ Oficina ⒡: Office
▶ Ojo ⒨: Eye
▶ Ombligo ⒨: Belly button; "Belly"(en) has the same root
▶ Oreja ⒨⒡: Ear; "Oracle"(en) has the same root
▶ Otoño ⒨: Autumn; "Autumn"(en) has the same root
▶ Otro ⒨: Other; "Other"(en) has the same root
▶ Padre ⒨: Father
▶ Página ⒡: Page
▶ País ⒨: Country
▶ Pájaro ⒨: Bird
▶ Pan ⒨: Bread
▶ Panadería ⒡: Bakery
▶ Papel ⒨: Paper
▶ Papelería ⒡: Stationery; Remind: 문방구는 종이들을 판다
▶ Paquete ⒨: Package
▶ Parej@ ⒡: Couple; "Pair"(en) has the same root
▶ Pariente ⒨⒡: Relative; "Don't confuse "Pariente"(es) and "Parent"(en)!"
▶ Parque ⒨: Park
▶ Partido ⒨: Match, Game; Remind: "Partido" is like "Part"
▶ Pasado manaña: The day after tomorrow; Pasar
▶ Pasaporte ⒨: Passport
▶ Pecho ⒨: Chest; "Pectas"(en) has the same root
▶ Película ⒡: Movie
▶ Pelo ⒨: Hair
▶ Pena ⒡: Pain; "Pain"(en) has the same root
▶ Periódico ⒨: Newspaper; "Period"(en) has the same root
▶ Perro ⒨: Dog
▶ Pescado ⒨: Fish
▶ Pestana ⒡: Eyelash; "Pelo"(es) has the same root
▶ Pie ⒡: Foot; Remind "Pie"(es) which looks like "Pie"(en)
▶ Piel ⒡: Skin; Remind: "Pie"(es)
▶ Piscina ⒡: Pond; Remind fish in the "Piscina"(es)
▶ Piso ⒨: Floor, Apartment
▶ Playa ⒡: Beach; Remind: Play a ... at a beach?
▶ Poesía ⒡: Poetry
▶ Política ⒡: Politics
▶ Primavera ⒡: Spring; Remind: Prima(first) + Vera(verde)
▶ Prim@: Cousin
▶ Psicología ⒡: Psychology
▶ Química ⒡: Chemistry
▶ Quinientos: Five hundreds
▶ Refresco ⒨: Soda; Refreshing
▶ Regalo ⒨: Gift; Regard?
▶ Restaurante ⒨: Restaurant
▶ Revista ⒡: Magazine; Etymology: "Re"(continously)(en) + "Visually"(en)
▶ Reunión ⒡: Meeting; "Reunion"(연합)(en) has the same root
▶ Rodilla ⒡: Knee; Etymology: "Rotational-"(en) ≒ "Rot-"(en) ≒ Knee's joint
▶ Ropa ⒡: Cloth; "Robe"(en) has the same root
▶ Sábado ⒨: Saturday; "Saturday" has the same root
▶ Sangria ⒡: Blood; "Sangria"(샹그리아 와인)(en) has the same root
▶ Semana ⒡: Week; "주마다 세미나?"
▶ Señor(a): Mr(s)
▶ Señorita: Miss
▶ Septiembre: September
▶ Serie ⒡: Series
▶ Sobrin@: Nephew
▶ Sueño: Sleep; "Insomnia"(en) has the same root
▶ Supermercado ⒨: Supermarket; "Supermarket"(en) has the same root
▶ Tarea ⒡: Homework; "숙제를 하려면 타르트(Tarta)가 있어야 해!"
▶ Tarde ⒡: Afternoon
▶ Tarta ⒡: Big cake
▶ Té ⒨: Tea
▶ Telenovela ⒡: Drama; Television + Novel
▶ Televisión ⒡: Television
▶ Tema ⒡: Theme
▶ Tenis ⒨: Tenis
▶ Tí@: Uncle/Aunt
▶ Tipo ⒨: Type
▶ Tos ⒡: Cough; Remind: "Tos"(es) with "Tissue"(en)
▶ Trabajo ⒨: Work
▶ Trasero ⒨: Hip; "Tras"(뒤)(es) has the same root
▶ Tren ⒨: Train
▶ Tripa ⒡: Gut; Remind: Food's "Trip"(en) to "Tripa"(es)
▶ Turista ⒡: Tourist
▶ Uña ⒡: Nail
▶ Urgencias: E.R.(Emergency Room); "Urgent"(en) has the same root
▶ Vacaciones ⒡ ⒫: Vacation
▶ Vecin@: Neighbor; "Vicinity"(en) has the same root
▶ Ventana ⒡: Window; "Ventilation"(en) has the same root
▶ Verano ⒨: Summer; Remind: Verde
▶ Verdad ⒡: True; "Verity"(en) has the same root
▶ Vestido ⒨: Dress; "Vest"(조끼)(en) has the same root
▶ Veterinario ⒨: Veterinarian
▶ Vez ⒡; Time of count
▶ Viaje ⒨: Travel; "Via(~를 거쳐)"(en) has the same root
▶ Viernes ⒨: Friday; Venus
▶ Vino ⒨: Wine
▶ Voz ⒡: Voice
▶ Zapato ⒨: Shoes
출처: https://nate9389.tistory.com/886 [정빈이의 공부방]
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